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[영어/직장] 일정을 당기다 move up

일정을 당기다는 영어로 어떻게 할까, 일정을 앞당기다. 일정이 앞당겨지다.

postpone, push back <-> move up


1. We moved up the meeting. + to Tuesday.

2. The meeting has been moved up + to Tuesday.

3. We got the meeting moved up + to Tuesday.

A : It the homework due this week?
    (Is the homework due by the end of this week?)
    Wasn't it pushed back(postponed) to next week?

B : It was but it was(got) moved back up
    because it's test week.

A : Did you get an(the) appointment?

B: Yes, but they said the eraliest(soonest) is next Monday.
               they said Monday next week is the earliest.

A: No, that's too late. See if you can move it up.
                             See if you can get it moved up.